1. Use of Cookies
Definition of Cookies: Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit our website. They are used to enhance your user experience and provide anonymous information about browsing.
Consent: By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy. If you disagree, you can adjust your browser settings to disable cookies.

2. Types of Cookies Used
Essential Cookies: Necessary for the basic functioning of the site and enable you to navigate and use essential features.
Performance Cookies: Collect information about how visitors use the site, such as the most visited pages. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor.
Functionality Cookies: Allow remembering the choices and preferences you make to personalize your user experience.
Advertising Cookies: Used to display ads relevant to you and your interests. They may also limit the number of times you see an ad and help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

3. Cookie Control
Browser Settings: You can manage cookie preferences through your browser settings. Note that disabling certain cookies may affect site functionality.
Privacy Tools: Some third-party privacy tools allow you to opt out of data collection by certain advertising cookies.

4. Cookie Duration
Session Cookies: Automatically deleted when you close your browser.
Persistent Cookies: Remain on your device for a specific period or until you manually delete them.

5. Changes to Cookie Policy
Updates: We reserve the right to update this cookie policy to reflect changes in how we use cookies. We recommend checking this page periodically to stay informed of any updates.

6. Contact
Questions: If you have any questions about our cookie policy, you can contact us.
By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy.

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